Busy Home Office in Flowermound was too hot

The Problem:
The Solution:
Heat produced by Office equipment and large windows made the space very uncomfortable.
Install a 15 kBTU Mitsubishi Inverter Heat Pump System for Home Office
The Problem:
Heat produced by Office equipment and large windows made the space very uncomfortable.
The Solution:
Install a 15 kBTU Mitsubishi Inverter Heat Pump System for Home Office
The Design
The indoor unit was hung high on the wall so that the lines could be passed through an attic space and soffit, down to the compact Mitsubishi Outdoor Unit. The lines were concealed by an unassuming line set cover on the outside of the home, making the unit inconspicuous.

The Installation

The new indoor unit was installed high on the wall in a location that is visually out of the way and provides excellent coverage for the entire space. A small, unobtrusive 2 and ½ inch penetration was made in the exterior wall to allow the thin refrigerant lines to pass through to an inconspicuous, outdoor line set cover which completely covers and seals the penetration. The lines passed vertically, straight down to the compact Mitsubishi outdoor unit which was mounted on a heavy-duty concrete pad, on-grade, on the south wall. Call us to know more.
The Benefits
Even home office equipment can generate a lot of heat, overwhelming a conventional home A/C system. By adding a dedicated Mitsubishi system to your home office you can keep it comfortable even as summer temperatures soar.