Dallas Woodworker cools custom shop
The Problem:
The Solution:
This professional grade woodshop was difficult to use in the blistering Texas heat.
Install compact and powerful Mitsubishi heating and cooling system in room.
The Problem:
This professional grade woodshop was difficult to use in the blistering Texas heat.
The Solution:
Install compact and powerful Mitsubishi heating and cooling system.
The Design
Benchmark Installed a 2 ton wall mount indoor unit on an exterior wall of the room and the near silent outdoor unit on a heavy duty concrete pad. The Indoor unit was equipped with the MHK1 wireless control, which allowed the craftsman to place the thermostat in any location he desired, even inside his home.
The Benefits
Having expensive Shop tools in a climate controlled environment helps to prolong their life by reducing the possibility of rust and degradation of components. There is also the added benefit of being able to work comfortably and efficiently in a heated and cooled room.