Dallas Master Bedroom independently heated and cooled
The Problem:
The Solution:
Despite numerous attempts, the homeowner could not get the master bedroom comfortable.
Design and Install a 1-ton Mitsubishi Inverter Heat Pump System serving a Masters Bedroom
The Problem:
Despite numerous attempts, the homeowner could not get the masters bedroom comfortable.
The Solution:
Design and Install a 1-ton Mitsubishi Inverter Heat Pump System serving a Master Bedroom
The Design
A single wall-mount indoor unit was placed on an interior wall. Because there was no suitable exterior wall with the refrigerant lines were routed through the garage, in a line set cover, to the outdoor unit. The outdoor unit was hung on a wall-mounted bracket, keeping it off the ground for landscaping access.
The Benefits
The masters bedroom was made comfortable by adding a dedicated Mitsubishi to heat and cool it. Additionally, the central A/C was made more efficient because it no longer had to struggle to keep the master bedroom comfortable, saving money on energy bills. Call us for more details.